Colouring competition winners Anjaleen and Ania pictured with relatives and Craig Brandwood, Managing Director at Pendle Rise Shopping Centre

The winners of the cake decorating competition Isaac and Hattie Wright pictured with dad, Stu Wright, and Laura Oddie
Prizes icing on the cake for local youngsters
Prizes were presented to four local winners of competitions held during Nelson Food Festival yesterday, Monday 17 September.
There were two competitions held on Saturday 8 September as thousands ignored the wet and windy weather and flocked to the town to enjoy the food and drink festival – a cake decorating competition and a colouring competition.
Children who took part in the cake decorating competition were given a plain cupcake to decorate in whatever style they liked before having their picture taken by a parent and uploaded to Twitter and the one with the most retweets won a prize. Joint winners were Isaac and Hattie Wright, who won a super-sized chocolate, sweets and goodie hamper to share!
The competition was supported by event sponsors, Oddie’s. Laura Oddie commented:
“The stand was busy throughout the day. It was great to see so many children taking part, having fun and embracing their creativity. We are a long-standing bakery and we specialise in creating decorated cakes so enjoy getting behind the cake decorating competition held annually at the food festival. Well done to Isaac and Hattie – their creations were wonderful!”
The two winners of the colouring competition were Anjaleen and Ania. They were presented with a chocolate hamper to share by Managing Director of event sponsors Pendle Rise Shopping Centre, Craig Brandwood.
He commented:
“We are incredibly proud to support Nelson Food and Drink Festival every year and especially embrace parts of the event that involve local youngsters. The small competitions held annually are a fantastic way to get children involved and to nurture their creative side. There were a large number of entries and they were all amazing!”
For a flavour of the festival, including a photo gallery and videos showcasing this year’s event visit www.nelsonfoodfestival.co.uk
For more information about Oddie’s visit www.oddiescakes.co.uk